A beginning
I guess here is where I introduce myself. Luckily this About page comes quite handy! If you start to follow this blog you’ll learn more about me and my many passions. Well, this is a blog about art so I guess first thing I have to say is that one of my biggest passions is art. But there is more than meets the eye, as my aim is in the future to convey other passions within the stone carving process: science, history, science fiction and fantasy, heavy metal etc. For example how many artists out there use science as the inspiration for their work? Not many I think. And I have few ideas I would like to put “in stone”. I remember one of my first attempts to carve in stone as a kid was not a face, not an animal but the hippocampus, one of the parts of the brain involved in memory. Didn’t look like I predicted though, as it looked more like an alien (!) but you got the idea: science can be incredibly inspirational. Especially anatomy but even chemistry and physics. We will see. For now I’m training on something more classical, like greek-type portraits with a touch of mesopotamic flavour as you can see in my Portfolio. I think you need to learn from the best and classical art is at the foundation of our way to see the world.